Comic Creators - Write a comic!

Today's Garfield comic:

Let's create! Students, can you identify any nouns, adjectives or verbs from today's "Garfield" comic strip? If so, what other English words have similar meanings as those used in this comic? [Tip: Use the online dictionaries.] Now, let's rewrite this comic, using different nouns, adjectives or verbs. Write your new cartoon using Garfield's Comic Creator! Then create another Garfield comic, using your own ideas!

Teachers, in addition to your own ideas to using comics to teach English, explore Grammarman, a site with comics for EFL/ESL students, and Awesome Comics, a webquest for ESL students. The creator is an ESL instructor and author in Thailand, Brian Boyd. Also see The Comic Book Project from Columbia University's Teacher College in New York.

Special thanks to Jim Davis, creator of Garfield.