Cooking State

Today's Recipe:

Students, it's lots of fun reading a recipe in English! After you read today's recipe, write the ingredients on a list. Working with a classmate or independently, decide which category on this "Grocery List" chart is the correct category for each ingredient. Have your teacher check your answers.

If you're in an English speaking country, bring your written list of ingredients when you shop for food. Then, write the name of the grocery store aisle or section where you actually found each ingredient. Did you know the correct category for each ingredient?

Practice these listing, categorizing and organizing skills again tomorrow, with a new recipe here. Now you're cooking!

Teachers, create your own ideas for ESL reading, speaking and writing activities by using today's recipe -- and its accompanying "Nutrition Facts" information chart -- both found above, on the first link. (And, remember: a new recipe photo and link appears here each day!)